Walt Whitman Gone Wild

Themes and Patters...

The Modern Day Walt
Themes and Patters...
Worst and Favorite Poems
Walt's Poems
Life in the 1800's
Marxist Theory
Feminist Theory
Race Theory
Whitman and Bob Dylan
The Brain Buster


Some of the themes of Walt Whitmans poems are he writes about the civil war, Humanism, and Life. How it is how he see's it as and what might happen or what he wants to happen in the future. For example the poems "O' Captain My Captain", "The Wound Dresser" are poems that are based off of the civil war and that time period. Some examples of his Humanism work just describes interaction with people and life in general. 


"Let that which stood in front go behind, let that which was behind advance to the front, let bigots, fools, unclean persons, offer new propositions, let the old propositions be postponed".

-Walt Whitman

  • http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/w/waltwhitma146871.html